Vol. 1 Track 3 - March 2020

The world certainly has changed since my last playlist. I hope you and your families are safe and hunkered down at home.
A few weeks ago I created a Twitter thread of some playlists that I had created to help pass the quarantine time. The playlists include the previous two editions of this newsletter, my epic 90s alternative and grunge playlist, my all-female vocalist playlist, as well as a playlist of my favorite songs one each for 2018, 2019 and a 2020 playlist that is still obviously a work in progress.
I'm trying something a little new in this month's newsletter format, please let me know what you think!
Stay safe, stay home, lose yourself in music, and wash your damn hands.
And now, on to the music.
Month's Playlist
This month's playlist features King Buzzo (Melvins), Soccer Mommy, The National, Ratboys, and much more.
Listen to this month's playlist on:
Other Listening & Quick Links
Members of Fugazi and Minor Threat and other bands have formed a new band called Coriky and released a track from their upcoming album on Bandcamp. It's not on streaming services yet, but you can listen and pre-order the album at that link.
Speaking of Fugazi, have you seen the video of these kids from Ohio doing a cover of Waiting Room?
Brooklyn Vegan put out a list of "15 albums that defined the 2000s post-hardcore boom" that I'm going to spend some time digging into and listening to while reminiscing.
There's been a lot of artists doing live streams during our collective quarantine - Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie did a bunch, ending with an all-covers livestream.
And finally, if you are a fan of The National like I am, you should make time to watch their show High Violet Live from the Brooklyn Academy of Music that was released on YouTube.